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MAKE FREE CALLS FROM PC TO MOBILE 100% WORKS STEP 1: Install yahoo messenger (the latest one which have voicesupport) or simply register on skype STEP 2: login into your yahoo or skype ( into any one) STEP 3: Configure your microphone and Headphone STEP 4: Click on yahoo voice (only for yahoo) STEP 5: Dial 1800-3733-411(1800-free-411) (There is no charge to call this number.) STEP 6: You will be connected to Free Call and operator welcomesyou. You will be given options to choose from various services from free411 and last one is Free Call. Now Say FREE CALL loudly in you microphone. STEP 7: There will be short advertisement. Wait till they say -“Please dial the phone number country code first,don’t forget to dial 1 for north America” STEP 8: Start dialing the desired phone number you want to call. Include Country code (eg. 91 for India) followed by the mobile / landline number. Start talking to the person you have called. It will last for 5 minutes (not too less) and you can repeat same procedure to reconnect. NOTE: THIS TRICK ALSO WORKS WITH NIMBUZZ VOICE CALLS
Receive your yahoo mailz on ur cell phone mailbox for Nokia N-Series and 60-Series
Yahoo Mail Configuration for Nokia N-Series and 60-Series.. 1.Go to tools–> Setting Wizard–> Email Setting–> INCOMING E-MAIL User name- (your user name) Password- (your password) Incoming mail server-pop.mail.yahoo. com(or what everyours) Access point-( your gprs access point) Mail box name-yahoo Mail box type- pop3 Security ports- off Ports- default APOP secure login-off FOR OUTGOING E-MAIL Email adress- (your email address) User name- (your user name) Password- (your password) Out going mail server- smtp.mail.yahoo.com(or what ever yours) Access point- (your access point) Security ports-off port-587 by. aBDuLLaH aL MaDanI k□t▲k@nimbuz.com